Writing as Digestion

Writing is my most natural way of digesting life, and there’s a lot of life to be digested. I usually wait to share until what I’m writing about no longer feels like something I’m “in.” I love Brené Brown’s guidance of asking, “Is this a story I’m telling or a story I’m living?” And it’s better to wait for the living part to be finished before telling it.

I’ve felt a lot of writing wanting to come through on people-pleasing, codependency, sex, relationships, love, but it’s felt so up close and personal for such a long time that I haven’t felt like sharing about it. Perhaps the living of it felt incomplete.

I’m recently seeing how that’s just those codependent, people-pleasing patterns that want to stay hidden forever by keeping me quiet about them. It’s clear that writing, even if I’m straddling the line between being conscious and unconscious about certain things, is the best way to go. It anchors me more firmly in the part of me that doesn’t tolerate all the belief system bullshit. We like that. ❤️

[I’ll probably keep writing and posting photos that may or may not have anything to do with what I’ve written 🌺 This photo was taken right after a giant windstorm blew a ton of chalk from Møns Klint up to the forest, making it a little winter wonderland 🤍]

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