Thanks for being YOU

💙“Be Yourself”💙 isn’t just a nice thing to plop on an inspirational meme—it is literally the most valuable contribution anyone can make to humanity. YOU ARE THE ONE AND ONLY YOU THERE WILL EVER BE!! You’ve got some juicy goodness inside of you that has NEVER EXISTED BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE AND WILL NEVER EXIST AGAIN. PLEASE GIVE IT TO US!!

Being yourself is the most selfless thing you can do! And of course it comes with a tall order of unlearning and shedding all the programs that have been layered on top of who you really are:

😬 Inherited “shoulds”
🥸 Internalized beauty standards
🤓 External definitions of success

Tuning out of the noise of the outside world and into your intuition is the most radical act of rebellion you can take. The more you chose to let go of who you are not and let yourself be who you are, the more you give permission to those around you to do the same. WE’RE ALL HERE TO REMIND EACH OTHER OF HOW AMAZINGLY POWERFUL WE ARE...JUST BY BEING US! ISN’T THAT THE COOLEST?!

So really, thank you for being YOU.

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