Snail Mail from God

Sometimes in my Morning Pages I like to write a letter to God (aka my higher power, higher self, Great Creator, source of unconditional love, the universe, etc. whatever name feels right at the moment) asking for guidance and I almost always get a letter back. (You can try this at home! God mail is the best--no postage required!) I usually keep these to myself, but today God dared me to share this with minimal edits, so here you go--a love letter from God:

Katie love! Hi! I miss you! Thank you for your sweet letter--you know you never have to apologize for taking a long time to write. It's all the same to me--time is a human thing, remember? For me it has been no time at all since we've talked because I am Always. (This wasn't meant to be a quantum physics lesson, but here we are.)

I love you and I see you and I hear you. I love you and I see you and I hear you. You are trying to do it all "right" just like you always do. Remember that moment when you told mom about a sexual awakening you'd had and at the end of the confusing, somewhat tumultuous, maybe just "strongly worded" conversation, mom seemed to really see you and said, "You're just doing your best to figure out what feels right." Don't think to much about it, but notice what you want to think about it. It's the whole theme of your life: diving into what feels "right" to you. It's exactly why you're in the Netherlands with Joshua right now. It's why you're downstairs this morning writing morning pages. It's why you're considering using this as a blog post, because sharing your heart with the world is part of your purpose and mission on this planet.

Embodying what is "right" for you means being willing to be "wrong" in the eyes of others. Your job today is to disappoint your mom--or to at least be willing to disappoint her. Be willing to disappoint everyone. To quote your loving, brilliant boyfriend whom I purposefully planted in your life to help your soul evolve (you're welcome), "Disappointment means to have your power handed back to you." It means that the appointed leader, the ruling force, inside of you has been dis-appointed, and there is now space for new truth and power to rise up. Disappointment is a gift in this way. (Is this too heavy for a letter from God? It's a letter from God, there are no rules.)

I love you. You are pure love. Let it flow. Let yourself be disappointed and reappoint the You you want to be. And if that's too hard to do today, just be kind to yourself and know that this is the most courageous action you can ever take.

I love you. All of you.


God (aka You, Your Higher Self, whatever you want to call me)
